News & Articles By Derek Henry
By Derek Henry
Nine ways to experience the magic of Manuka honey
As far as sweeteners go, honey has been around for thousands of years and has been used as a food and a potent natural remedy. Unfortunately, like most foods produced today, the potency has been greatly diminished through various processing techniques and profitable short cuts that have left many honeys devoid of enzymes and nutrients and […]
By Derek Henry
Ahiflower: The richest non-fish source of omega fatty acids on the planet
It’s always nice when new discoveries are made that can provide a pure and potent source of nutrition that hasn’t been made widely available yet. In the case of the ahiflower, this is new ground being broken and the masses can take advantage by using it to build up their crucial omega fatty acids, without […]
By Derek Henry
Four plant-based options to help rejuvenate your entire body
There are no shortage of options to rejuvenate your body in the world of plants. Whether it is a vegetable, fruit, herb, seed, nut, or superfood, there are solutions to help you rejuvenate your body and increase your uptake of precious enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other life supporting nutrients. Getting a good dose of plants in on […]
By Derek Henry
The super powers of the schizandra berry
There’s hardly a person who doesn’t enjoy the sweet and light taste of a good berry. They are a great snack, go well in smoothies, and are perfect for warm summer days due to their hydrating and antioxidant properties. Not only that, they are chock full of vitamins and beneficial phytonutrients. While blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and […]
By Derek Henry
Three nutrient dense superfoods that are easy on your digestion
There are many reasons that people are suffering from so many illnesses today. From toxic onslaughts to poor food choices, the amount of trip wires on the road to good health can be nauseating and can paralyze people into doing nothing at all. After all, who has time to investigate how to become truly healthy? […]
By Derek Henry
How maca can make your day much better
Ever had one of those days where by the end of it you’re ready to crawl from the couch onto the bed, and sleep for 12 hours? Or maybe you’re one of those people who feel that way as soon as you wake up, or by mid afternoon (after the caffeine has worn off from the […]
By Derek Henry
The unmatched health benefits of black seed oil
As more and more natural remedies come along, it becomes glaringly obvious that nature has the remedy to nearly everything that ails us. Whether we use these remedies properly in conjunction with a healthy and holistic lifestyle is up to us, but there is very little debate that plants have been healing mankind for thousands […]
By Derek Henry
From the Health Ranger Store: The 10 most powerful plant-based foods on the planet
The majority of people are living in a food desert, with very little unpolluted and nourishing food on the horizon. Sure, there is the odd oasis where you can pick up some fresh, organic, and nutrient dense food, but for many people these spots are far and few in between. Fortunately, organic food delivery services, food […]
By Derek Henry
3 hassle-free ways to improve your children’s health through nutrition
Taking care of your own health can seem like an arduous task some days, so if you are a parent or caring for someone else, the motivation to do it for them can wane on many days. You know it’s important, but the task itself and the fighting to get them to follow along can […]
By Derek Henry
Why hemp seeds from cannabis are a revolutionary superfood ready to save the people and the planet
Cannabis is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man, dating back as far as approximately 8,000 B.C. There are many different varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant that are used for many different purposes, all of which have great value to people and the planet. However, most people have a myopic view of cannabis, often […]
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