11/25/2015 / By superfoodnews
Our Food Rising grow system technology is now less than 30 days away from being publicly launched on FoodRising.org. One of the high priority goals is to get this revolutionary food grow system into the hands of schools all across America, where children can experience the miracle of Mother Nature’s food abundance firsthand, in their own schools and classrooms. (Learn more at www.FoodRising.org)
We need your help to make this happen. The Food Rising Revolution is approaching liftoff!
To help in this effort, a nationally celebrated superfood company has stepped up to the plate to help fund the donation of 250 of these Food Rising grow systems to schools across America. The Boku Superfood company — www.BokuSuperfood.com — has pledged an astonishing 20% of its net sales for the next seven days toward funding the manufacture and shipping of Food Rising grow systems to schools across America.
Every purchase made at www.BokuSuperfood.com — including the company’s superfood powders, protein products and Sacha Inchi proteins — will generate a substantial donation that goes straight to funding Food Rising grow systems for schools across America.
Explore Boku Superfood product solutions now and find out why I openly endorse these formulations and high-quality ingredients: Boku Superfood | Boku Super Protein | Boku Super Fuel | Boku Super Berries | Boku online store for even more items.
Our goal is to secure enough funding to donate and ship complete grow systems to 250 schools across America. The daily progress of this effort is reflected in a progress bar to be displayed on the home pages of www.NaturalNews.com and www.FoodRising.org
Click here to learn how YOU can help support this amazing donation effort that will help teach thousands of children how to grow their own nutritious food.
Click here if you would like to request a grow system donation for your school, church, home school or community organization such as YMCA. Yes, Food Rising grow system donations are available to homeschoolers, too!
Children in America today are growing up on processed junk food and chemical-laced agriculture products that are making them sick and diseased.
Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, kidney stones, asthma and literally hundreds of other chronic degenerative diseases are all fundamentally caused by horrendous dietary habits that keep the population nutritionally deficient while heavily contaminated with synthetic chemical pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.
At the same time, most children today are disconnected from their food, having no direct experience of growing food themselves. Food self-reliance is at an all-time low for America, even while other countries like Russia and Cuba have far greater food security thanks to a network of home gardens and small farms.
In America, farming has been hijacked by corporate interests which rely on the heavy deployment of GMOs and cancer-causing chemicals that pollute the environment, harm animal life and contaminate the food consumed by the public. Instead of food being produced for nourishment for a better society, it’s grown for profit to produce dollars for greed-driven corporations. The higher the profit of almost any food, the more nutritionally depleted it is, which explains why the interests of the corporations utterly contradict the long-term interests of a healthy society.
I believe the future of America quite literally depends on finding new ways to produce healthy, nutritious food that’s affordable, easy to grow and locally produced. Without healthy children, no nation has a sustainable future because it will be driven into bankruptcy by health care costs that spiral out of control from treating preventable disease. Healthy, nutritious food — that citizens can grow themselves for pennies on the dollar — is the answer.
You can help make this happen!
For the next 7 days, make any purchase at www.BokuSuperfood.com and 20% of net proceeds will be donated to the Food Rising project to fund grow systems for children and schools across America.
You can also make a direct donation to the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center at www.ConsumerWellness.org
All donations received over the next 7 days will be 100% redirected to this grow system effort.
Thank you for your participation in the launch of the Food Rising Revolution!
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