04/23/2018 / By Derek Henry
Taking care of your own health can seem like an arduous task some days, so if you are a parent or caring for someone else, the motivation to do it for them can wane on many days. You know it’s important, but the task itself and the fighting to get them to follow along can be daunting and put a black mark on your day.
So what do you do? You can’t absolve yourself of being at least partly responsible for ensuring they get adequate nutrition, and if you don’t make it a priority, consequences will only rear their ugly head later. The hassle only becomes more obnoxious the longer you don’t address proper nutrition, for you and the child or loved one.
The cool thing is, there are plenty of ways to lower the resistance and not compromise on nutrition, and these three solutions give you some of the most potent, effective, and hassle-free options.
Before you go thinking this is complicated, I assure you it is not. Water kefir is simply fermented water, which can be flavored naturally by any fruit, and will deliver a nice dose of live enzymes and probiotics. Since the gut is arguably the gateway to health and the root cause of many health concerns, introducing this beverage into the daily routine will provide nice health benefits over time and kids love it (especially when they get to pick the fruit to make the final flavor)!
Once you get a handle on it, this routine will take 10-15 minutes every 3 days, and will save you money and frustration on trying to get your child to pop a pill. For the ingredients (3), equipment (common household items), and directions, check out this water kefir recipe.
Most people these days are familiar with smoothies and shakes, but unfortunately, most fail to make the grade due to poor ingredient choices, high sugar content, and superfood powders with questionable nutrition.
This doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel on this important and potent first meal of the day, but rather, you just need to make some adjustments to make it healthier and delicious. The most important part is to make it organic, use pure filtered water and a suitable non-dairy milk; add in healthy fats like avocado, hemp seeds, and soaked chia; and sweeten with monk fruit, part of a banana, dates, or figs (go easy on the sweetness if possible). Then you add in a nutrient dense superfood powder for enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, and you’ve loaded them up with a superior choice to start the day!
Superfood smoothies take 5-10 minutes to make and an expensive blender is not required. For a clean, nutrient dense superfood powder try the Health Ranger’s Fermented Super30 which will go very well into any smoothie recipe. If you need one to get started, try the Party Time Smoothie or Superfood Smoothie Recipe.
[For more information on superfoods, visit SuperFood.News.]
Let’s face it, things can sometimes go off the rails during snack time when conventional options like chips, cheese, candy, and other nutrient void and toxic foods come out. The snack industry has taken a slight turn for the better in recent years, but these snacks should not be the basis of any healthy diet or you will be asking for trouble now and later.
To keep snack time fun, healthy, and hassle-free consider tossing out the chips, cheese, and candy and substituting them with fruit snacks that are free of added sugars and nasty preservatives. These do exist, and a good example is the Health Ranger’s Organic Baobab Superfruit Snacks or Organic Dried Mango Slices. Heck, you can even get the Hawaiian Turmeric Gummy Bears, a proven child favourite!
Raising kids is not an easy thing, but it becomes much more difficult when their diet is off and their mood and health suffer. These are three simple things to incorporate that take up very little time, and the smile on your child’s face when they enjoy these healthy options will certainly light up your smile as well.
Now that’s time well spent.
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